About Lynn Borundia

I have an interesting and diverse background, with significant life-changing experiences shaping me into the person I am today.  My life journey changed when my mother passed away in 2005, testing my belief-systems and leading me on the most inspirational spiritual journey. I follow no specific religion as I believe there is no religion in the realms of the Soul / Spirit world.  

My life purpose is to use my inner gifts to help and heal others - one person at a time and in doing so, make a small difference on this Earth.

I use a variety of different Modalities - Kinesiology, Trauma Therapy, Reiki, Energy, Bio-Resonance and Frequency Balancing, Regression Therapy, Intuitive Guidance, Automatic Writing, Channelling, Numerology, Life Purpose Birth Chart and Hypnotherapy.

School was stressful, and I had frequent panic attacks, particularly when I was unable to focus on my homework due to negative circumstances at home.  Through Hypnosis, Lynn helped me focus / concentrate on my homework and school tasks at hand.
Sleepless nights and sleep paralysis are a thing of the past! I was a little apprehensive at my first session of Reiki, but I began to sleep better and through the night from right after the first session.
I had a phobia (fear of the dark) for many years.  I experienced Lynn’s amazing healing techniques through both Regression and Hypnotherapy.  I would recommend Lynn to anyone looking for a positive change in their well-being.
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