Regression – Past / Current Life

Regression is becoming recognised as a powerful healing technique for helping people improve their life, happiness, health and wellbeing.  

Past Life Regression is a healing therapy through a deeply relaxed state and works by accessing your Soul and all the memories stored within, relating to past lives or current life.  Your Soul will know exactly which lifetime to take you back to, to learn important messages that will help and heal you.  These memories are accessed while in a relaxed meditative state, where you are completely safe and aware of the experience. I will guide you through the relevant and significant events in the life/lives you experience, enabling you to connect the memory and emotions, allowing the healing to begin.  You can learn from experiences and lessons from previous lifetimes or suppressed memories from this lifetime, to help heal fears, phobias, obstacles holding you back and illnesses, to improve your life, health and well-being in this lifetime.

Taking the steps to overcome fears, challenges and heal can be a catalyst for positive change, self-awareness and personal growth.  Fear, resistance and suppression of feelings and emotions keeps us stuck, unfulfilled, repeating the same patterns and unhappy.

School was stressful, and I had frequent panic attacks, particularly when I was unable to focus on my homework due to negative circumstances at home.  Through Hypnosis, Lynn helped me focus / concentrate on my homework and school tasks at hand.
Sleepless nights and sleep paralysis are a thing of the past! I was a little apprehensive at my first session of Reiki, but I began to sleep better and through the night from right after the first session.
I had a phobia (fear of the dark) for many years.  I experienced Lynn’s amazing healing techniques through both Regression and Hypnotherapy.  I would recommend Lynn to anyone looking for a positive change in their well-being.
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